
Getting Started

Our documentation describes how you can best use our SaaS solution. From connecting your e-commerce shop to using our API.

Through Api53 API you can access our infrastructure and SaaS solution through a standardized programmatic interface. To access our API, you must have a valid API key. The key is not created by us as the Api53 team, but by an e-commerce owner who has connected his shop to our SaaS solution.

If you feel that a documentation article is missing here, please email us at [email protected] - Thanks!

Audience for APIs

Api53 offers APIs with three audiences in mind:
  • Api53 customers
  • Api53 customers partners
  • Developers

Api53 customers:

By connecting your e-commerce solutions, you have the option to modify your API endpoint yourself by using Api53 and create your own API user. This allows you to import your products into other e-commerce shop solutions.

Api53 customers partners:

As a partner who has a valid API user, you can access the products of the respective shop. This enables you to import the products or other data into your e-commerce solution.


As a developer, you can connect our API to enrich the data. With the changed data it is possible to connect other SaaS solutions.

Do's and Don'ts

What can you build with Api53 APIs?

Anything that's useful and follows the guidelines presented here.

What shouldn't you do with our APIs?

Do not do any of the following:

  • Abuse our system
  • Abuse our API
  • Abuse our customers

Please follow this link to read our Terms & Conditions.


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You can read more about our Priavacy Policy and Coookie Policy here: Privacy Policy